In 2014, The Louise H. Batz Patient Safety Foundation developed the Weezie’s Angel Hero Award in honor of Louise Batz who was lovingly called Weezie by her family recognize those individuals in a hospital setting who go above and beyond in caring for patients, creating awareness, making good catches and advocating for patient safety.
Louise “Weezie” Batz, spent her life helping others and bringing joy to those around her. As her daughter Laura often says, she taught me how to love, respect and care for others, to never give up, to always persevere, and most importantly never to lose hope. When someone came to her with a problem, she would comfort them by saying, ‘It will be okay… together we will find the answer.’ She was my hero. She saved my life every day and still does.”
While the Weezie’s Angel award is an opportunity to honor each recipient’s commitment to safety, it can never truly convey our gratitude and thanks for the service they provide. Their ability to comfort, heal and save lives is truly extraordinary.